The Yemeni American Anti-terrorism Center (YAATC) The Yemeni American Anti-terrorism Centre has despatched a letter to the Secretary General of United Nation calling for pressure on the Yemeni regime to stop oppressing Yemeni people and to discontinue off caring for the international terror. Tajaden has received a copy of that letter here is the full text:
Date: 04/27/2007 From: The Yemeni American Anti-terrorism Center (YAATC) To: The United Nations Subject: perspective of the (YAATC) on the international war on terror and how to dry its sources in Yemen.
Dear Honourable Mr. Ban Ki-Moon General Secretary of the United Nations.
Greetings, We would like to thank the United Nations in the person of its former General Secretary Mr. Kofi Annan for all the relief efforts and assistance that he and his teams gave to the people of the world. This is especially true in the ease of the Republic of Yemen, where we have found real and serious action by the United Nations and other human service organizations, specifically on the problems of human trade and the problem of kidnapping and selling of Yemeni children to neighbouring countries. We thank the United Nations for all the work being done to return these children safely to their parents, provide them with shelter, and to rehabilitate the psychologically, socially, educationally and health wise so that they become productive citizens. All thanks are due to the good people of the world who spend from their wealth and efforts toward achieving these noble goals.
Thanks are due to you Mr. General Secretary for all the concrete efforts that you done to serve humanity through the great role of United Nations by resolving conflicts through peaceful means; efforts to end wars, violence, terrorism and through helping the poor, children, refugees and the victims of dictatorial regimes.
Your Excellency, Mr. General Secretary…. We would like to present to you the perspective of the Yemeni American Anti-terrorism Center (YAATC) on terrorism for the following reasons:
First, we believe that these views are going to help all of us to get rid of terrorism or at the very least limit a major portion of it in Yemen for the coming years.
Second, we in the YAATC do accuse the current regime in Yemen of producing terrorism and exporting it to the world. We believe that dictatorship on one side and terrorism on the other are two faces of the same coin, they live together and die together.
Third, We in the YAATC, do believe that our views will help limit the wars that are based on the ideologies of hate, hostility, the physical elimination of the other, and the use of sacred religions to justify the killing of political opponents and civilians in general.
Fourth, the YAATC have had previously sent a letter to the United Nations on July 07, 2006 titled: The Seventh of July 1994: The day of victory for the powers extremism and terror against the forces of good and modernity in Yemen ". That letter pointed out events, facts and suggestions to the International body.
Fifth, the YAATC believes that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Dear honourable secretary…. We believe that terrorism finds in wars, bloodletting and the deliberate maintenance of poverty and ignorance its safe refuge. The Yemeni people have suffered from chronic wars, poverty, ignorance, and disease for more than fifty years and its suffering has increased in the past 30 years.
The YAATC views the dictatorial regime in Yemen as the main cause of the increase of wars, poverty, fear, ignorance, and disease in Yemen due to the mentality of the regime. The regime views itself as having a divine right to rule the land as representative of God; people count for little unless they show support to the regime. The regime sees that it is permissible to do anything to stay in power regardless of the possible results such as wars, plundering of public wealth, the formation of mafia groups and gangs that kills political opponents and kidnap children, smuggle weapons and launder money to outside the country, exporting problems to the neighbours for the purpose of extortion, running of prostitution rings (the crimes that are not in the public view are much worse). The regime tops all of that by violations of human rights. All of these crimes and practices lead at the end to production of terrorism and its export to the outside world. As a result the world becomes less safe including our country, the United States of America (May God protect it from any harm).
Dear honourable Sir,
The best summary of the YAATC views on the war against terror is that knowing the disease will lead to the finding the cure.
Any objective analysis of the situation in Yemen and the events that Yemen went through will lead to one conclusion; that the ruling regime in Yemen is a dictatorial, racist, sectarian and oppressive regime. This regime wrestled power from the people by use of army and lead Yemen from one war to the next under flimsy excuses that has nothing to do with realities of people's lives and their conditions. This regime has established an empire of corruption for the corrupt in the country. As a consequence, this directly has led to the poverty, humiliation, ignorance and disease among ordinary people. Inevitably, this has led to the creation of one of focal points of terrorism. Silence for a long time in the face of such swamps of terror has led to numerous terrorist incidents; chief among them was the attack on the USS Cole in the port of Aden and culminating in the events of 9/11.
We believe that the world has to assume the responsibility of finding the cure for the disease of terrorism. The YAATC believes that pursuing the following will be part of the cure for terrorism:
1. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to respect its citizens and achieve equity among them and integrating blacks and others who suffer from class differences in the Yemeni society. This way all citizens of Yemen will become equal in their rights and responsibilities regardless of colour, race, sex, language, religious or political belief.
2. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to distribute the national wealth among Yemenis in an equitable manner; and away from benefiting and enriching its own supporters and pillars.
3. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to let freedom and democracy flourish and to stop arresting journalists and closing newspapers. The regime should let civil society organizations become more active and exercise their full power to defend human rights.
4. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to arrest all terrorists including Abdulmajid Alzindani and extradite them to the US to be questioned in matters related to terrorism. Also the Eman University, which we consider as a factory for producing terrorists, should be closed. The fact that this University is attached to the camp of the First Armoured Division, under the command of Brig. General Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar [The President's brother] raises more than one question.
5. Doing whatever it takes to freeze the assets of Yemeni officials in Yemen and abroad since these assets were acquired illegally. These assets should be returned to the people of Yemen through the United Nations in well laid-out and transparent procedures. The regime also should be compelled to take corrupt officials to trial and in public.
6. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to stop mixing religion with politics by encouraging Sheiks of religion to issue fatwas that legitimize the killing of political opponents. This is what happened in the last thirty years whether it is on the war of the mid-regions, the war of 1994, the occupation of the South or the current war in Sa’ada.
7. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to eliminate armed militias that are armed by the regime, which is known as the Army of Osaimat. These militias, when called by the regime, conduct killings, looting, rape and enslavement of women. These activities are done to assist the regime in its wars and in support of the official Army. The regime follows this method to instil terror and fear in the hearts of the people to insure loyalty and impose what the regime calls as legitimacy. What kind of legitimacy does this regime has that is based on killings, terror, pillage, looting and rape.
8. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to put the national wealth in the service of better education, health, human services and development.
9. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to respect the independence of the judiciary as an independent power. The regime should not interfere in the business of courts and obstruct justice.
10. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to reveal the names of Yemeni officials who are involved in the human trade scandal and arrange for their public trials.
11. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to reveal the true terrorists behind the attack on the USS Cole and those behind the killing of the three American doctors in the city of Jibla as well as other terrorist operations in Yemen .
12. Doing whatever it takes to compel the regime in Yemen to control its borders and to stop facilitating the travel of Mujahedeen from and to Yemen which amounts to a policy of production and export of terrorism abroad.
Dear honourable Sir,
We hope that we have been successful in laying the truth with objectivity in front of you so that this may help you see a clearer picture of the war on terror drying its swamps in Yemen. This in turn will help the people's of Yemen and the world move on toward a prosperous and terror-free future.
President of the Centre Ahmed Banama Email 1404-957(313) Ph Executive Director Mused Ali